In the Greenlands the Sun and the Moon are worshipped as gods. They are quite unusual gods, as they are the only gods, in the era of humans, who can still travel to and from the Greenlands, with any ease. Because, unlike the other gods, the sun and the moon derive their power from their celestial bodies, they do not need the ley lines to power them, and thus do not have to stay in Heofon. What they must do instead, is stay with their celestial bodies as they travel across the skies, every day and night.
The Sun and the Moon
The sun is a great burning ball of fire that travels the sky. The sun god must follow it, marching behind, and protecting it from any god, or other impediment. The moon is a great glowing ball of crystals that the moon goddess must follow, also clearing the way and protecting it. Each god have their own small court of spirits who march with them day and night. When the sun sets, the sun god is able to rest, with the sun locked away safely, his court around him, keeping watch. The moon must then make her travels across the darkness of the sky. The sun and the moon must never get too close to each other. Like magnets, they must forever stay the width of the world away from each other. But some days, when very specific events occur, the the sun and the moon are allowed near each other and then you get eclipses and other such things.
The seasons occur in the Greenlands due to the growing and shrinking of the sun. The sun has a cycle of burns. When it burns low, the Greenlands is plunged into winter. The sun cannot travel far, so it sits low on the horizon.
The phases also occur in cycles. The changes in the moon are due to the crystals on the moon. Their glow flows across the surface like waves. These waves of light flow around around the spherical moon, seeming to change its shape to the observers below.
The History and Legends of the Two Gods
These two gods were responsible for locking away the lay lines, ending The Terrible War, unlike the other gods who did not have such a constant responsibility as these two. These two gods could not wage war. They were too busy. They had to march every day and every night across the sky, seeing the destruction below. They heard the world crying out in pain and anger, they saw the children being born twisted and broken because of the spells from the wars. The sun and the moon gods saw how futile and petty the war was. They themselves do not have many powers. Their powers are almost exclusively tied to their celestial bodies which they are tasked to protect. They were, however, able to help lock away the ley lines. The Keys of Sourcery were forged in the sun’s heat and used the moon’s crystals, in their making. The rest of the gods do not really know what to do with these two gods, as they technically did something good ending the war with no clear winners. And the sun and the moon are very important to maintain life which in turn maintains the gods. Not only that but the sun and the moon do not interfere with the actions of others, normally. So most gods just ignore these sun and the moon gods.
One of the legends surrounding these two gods is that they are a god and goddess cursed almost never to be together: dancing across the sky after each other, always in love, but never to reach consumation. It is a favourite love story for young ones,
The Worshippers
The worshippers of the sun and the moon are a bit …. chaotic, because the believers can’t agree on the most fundamental things. For example they cannot agree if the sun, or the moon are male or female. Now, in actuality the sun is a god and the moon is a goddess, but the current set of worshippers have not seen the two gods in over two millenia , only their celestial bodies, and so different congregations believe different things. There are traditionalists who interpret the ancient teachings literally, even despite the translation errors making some rather weird results. There are also those who try to interpret the teachings in the light of their current context, and then apply them.
This confusion has lead to a lot of snarky words and cold shoulders, and in the end, the different worshippers all agreed that they worship the sun and the moon in different aspects.
Most of the cults have general overarching narratives concerning their own gods. To sum up, below:
The Sun is all about worshipping things that are light and warm and visible. It’s about life, agriculture, and general growing things. The worshippers of this deity are generally loud, happy and boisterous. They appreciate the simple things in life. They are famed for their festivals. They have huge bonfires in midwinter to help keep the Sun alive.
As with all gods with many followers, the sun god also has a destructive aspect. The desert, the droughts, the burning and the fires… strangely enough the congregations of the rain goddess and water gods don’t feature here. A large section of the human population organise their calendars around the Sun.
The Moon worshippers tend to be more discreet and value passive and calm. The believers of the Moon say that it is very wise, as it sees what is happening that others try to keep hidden in the dark. The moon brings peace and sleep to the world. The moon is also seen to bring sleep in the form of death. The moon wipes away the old day to allow the birth of a new day next. The worshippers she brings healing after the harshness of the Sun.
In regards to the aspect of hidden knowledge and wisdom the moon is supposed to have, the worshippers collect vast libraries of hidden knowledge. These libraries are famed, they collect every kind of book and allow others to read and share the knowledge. The sun worshippers by contrast have a mainly oral tradition, preferring to store their information in songs and poems and dances.
The moon also has its duality, it is associated with eternal darkness, cold, magic, and madness. The moon is also a reminder of the old times, when there weren’t humans in the Greenlands, and magic ruled. It’s believed that the old old OLD elves live on the moon. Apart from a few fanatics who will black out their windows and refuse to see the sun