How To Play Dungeons And Dragons

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D&D is a game that can last as log as you like, as it has no formal ‘win’ criteria: playing the game is what it is all about.

The game is played by Players and the Dungeon Master, using dice to introduce the unexpected into a delightfully structured world. Players each chose a role that they wish to play. The roles are characterised by certain capabilities, and proclivities, and are also limited to those characteristics (part of the structure of the game). But that can, if the dungeon that they ae playing allows it, gain, or lose capabilities, or skills. As the game progresses, the players encounter circumstances, and challenges, in the form of location, monsters, riches, whatever the game-builder can think of. It is up to them individually, to decide what capabilities they use, and to what extent in order to make the most of these individual challenges, or the games overall challenge. The dungeon master is the storyteller and referee. They describe the circumstances that the players encounter, and what specific rules / hazards, or whatever are inherent in those localities / challenges.

An excellent place to start learning the game is web site of the Wizards of the Coast, but you can make it up yourself, in your own home, with your own friends.

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