General Lore of The Greenlands
The Greenlands is an ancient and strange continent. Its eras are marked by the amount of sun it had. When it was first created, great magical pathways criss crossed the land like rivers. These came to be called the ley lines.This allowed a huge a variety of strange and interesting life to flourish, such as creatures that lived solely off the energy, like photosynthesizers. During this early time, there was no sun, and the world glowed with bioluminescence. It was a strange and difficult to understand era, as none of those creatures were sentient in a way understandable to humans. Then one day, a neighbouring planet was hit by a meteorite, and the violence of the explosion, created a sun and burned away most of the life on the Greenlands. The ley lines were covered up by a mile or so of fallen debris and earth and their power became dampened.
This great dampening ushered in the era of sentient creatures. No-one really knows how this happened. First the gods appeared on the land, the dragons, the giants, the elves and then many other creatures. It was towards the end of this time that a god was punished to burn for eternity: in effect, giving the Greenlands a second smaller sun.
The Era of Two Suns
Under these two suns, was the era of gods and legends: the elves built great courts; the dwarves dug deep and the giants sat on mountains watching the Stars. The goblins wandered the hills in great tribes. The gods played dice with the fates of beings. Great spells were woven, and trees that stretched to the heavens. Great powerful client kings ruled: beautiful and terrible.
Then one day, a great sage was experimenting……..well he wasn’t that wise really, but he ended up overlaying The Greenlands upon the Earth orb. This didn’t affect the Earth too much, but it caused great problems in the Greenlands. For one thing they now had three suns, and two moons.It was now very easy to step between the two lands. All you had to do was to concentrate, wiggle your foot and then step to the left, in the correct place.
The Era of the Three Suns
Many humans crossed over to the Greenlands and many creatures from the Greenlands crossed over to earth. For the humans coming to the Greenlands, this meant that some of them acquired magical powers. For the creatures leaving the Greenlands, it meant that they were separated from the magical ley lines that basically kept them alive. For the creatures like elves whose systems could function without the magic, it meant they simply lost their immortality, and nearly all of their powers. As for other creatures who lived solely off the ley lines, they either died in crossing, or mutated into terrible creatures who fed off the life force of humans.
During this time of turmoil, there were great changes to the Greenlands, and the humans established a footing. There was trade between the two worlds and many magical items and legends were born in both worlds.
The dragons discovered that if they managed to carry sufficient power from a ley line with them, they could travel to earth without too much damage to themselves, or others. The Millenium of the Three Suns was a strange, ever moving time of small grade conflicts and trade.
Towards the middle of this era, things calmed down and both the human world and the Greenlands world fell into a routine. Humans were considered as basically animals by the Greenlands’ inhabitants: smart, surprising and sometimes dangerous..animals. The humans considered the Greenlands folk wild and unpredictable … animals: big insanely powerful and sometimes good, but definitely not human. It was a bit awkward.
The humans and the Greenlanders had some sort of peace for a while, until a human decided to challenge the king of the gods, for his crown…..As a joke……. And won. This was later found out to be the doing of the God of Chaos. He is a very old man, with a very irritating sense of humour, and theoretically limitless powers, but his main MO is causing the maximum chaos.
The War
Of course the gods and all of the Greenlands folk REFUSED to be ruled by a mere human, and the human didn’t do anything to ingratiate himself with the gods, demanding the crown and the power. When this human, Barold, didn’t receive the crown, he riled up his people and declared war. He had the backing of some of the chaotic gods, like the God of War, the God of Chaos and the god kings’ own brother who wanted his brother’s crown.
The sides ranked themselves, some with the humans in the hope of gaining either revenge against the gods or some with the Greenlanders who had their oiwn powers and to whom the gods were more sympathetic. A terrible war was fought. Both sides had magic, the gods and elves folk had many many years worth of insanely power spells, but the humans were creative and stubborn. The weapons became greater and more terrible, with more awful side effects. Entire sections of the Greenlands were melted, and reshaped. You were lucky to wake up in the morning with the same shape you went to sleep in the night before. The world was becoming very uninhabitable. There were spies everywhere.
The Sun and Moons Betrayal
Finally, under cover of the night, a group of like-minded humans and Greenlands’ folk decided that the only way to end the war would be to seperate all of the factions and hide away the source of their power. This temporary alliance managed this with the help of the suns and the moon gods. Unlike many of the other gods, the suns and the moon god had to walk the sky every day and night and barely had time to make war. In their walks these deities saw the destruction caused in both worlds, and they wept. Together, the sun and moon dieties, together with the allianjce of men and Greenlanders locked away the ley lines. The god punished to burn forever as the Greenlands’ second sun, put his whole being in the various locks. Even with all that power, the sun and moon gods could not lock away the ley lines power completely. Some power still escaped, but this action, nonetheless, instantly cut the war off, at the knees. Almost all of the attack spells ceased to work. The spell that had been holding the Greenlands and the human world together suddenly snapped, separating the two worlds.
Not only that, but many many creatures suddenly found it very difficult even to be alive Everyone was reduced down too the lowest common denominator…….. humans.
The Flight of the Fair Folk
This was very unpleasant for everyone except the humans. So many of the ultra powerful Greenlands folk used the last of their spells and power either to create their own dimensions, or to punch into new ones, where they could live more comfortably. The nightmare realm was created, for the race of demon folk, and the gods fled to their last stronghold in the heavens where they had great supplies of the ley lines’ energy stored. Many of the elves fled to a spiritual plane where they didn’t have to bother with reality. Some Greenlands folk even fled to earth where they had stored some ley line power in great forts under hills. Only those too weak to find a new home, were left to live in the Greenlands. Many of therse were humans. It was now almost impossible to move between the human world and The Greenlands.
With only one sun and one moon the Greenlands has become the home to humans. with the ley lines locked away, most of the spirits remaining there have sunk into a deep sleep to save their energy; only waking in extreme cases. Magic users are close to non, and are regarded with extreme suspicion. The fair folk that remain, hide in their fortresses, largely up in Elvenwold, far away from humans. The humans live comfortably as they did in their own world, they still have some customs and beliefs left over from the time of the three suns. Most humans have, however, forgotten what they mean, or what they were created for.
The gods are still able to watch and affect the world beneath, but it has become so difficult and uses so much energy, that they only watch, occasionally, and almost never interfere. The sun and the moon, though powered by their celestial bodies, still roam the skies, watching the worms change beneath them.