The Incubus

Incubi are male demons who assault women in the night, when the women are in bed. Later societies have also developed the female attacker idea: succubi, but these demons are, for obvious reasons, seen as having less of an effect. As these male demons only come out at night, they are often seen as pale. Some societies, however, see them as dark, hairy and bat winged. All agree that these demons are fully the size of

The Goblin

Goblins are humanoid, but always seen as grotesquely ugly and often small. As they have no particular skills, they do not keep themselves neat and socially acceptable; their only acquaintance being others of their kidney. Hence they are renown for being unkempt, unwashed, smelly and generally hideous of

The Dwarf

The Dwarf

The dwarves of Middle Earth were humanoid, usually short and often hairy and ugly. As ‘dwarf’ was probably another name for the Norse ‘black elves’, they were dark coloured. Although dwarves were short, they were said to have superhuman strength. The Norse credited them with having the attributes of a knight, i.e. they were warriors. Dwarves were usually

The Elf

The Adult Elf

The origin of the word, Elf, in Norse, is Fair (or pale) Folk. Both the Norse and the Celts of Briton believed them human-shaped. Although the Celts originally thought them small, later ages re-envisaged them as normal, human sized. All of Middle Earth agreed that elves were beautiful. This beauty enabled the elves to seduce whom they would