The gods were once giants, despite what they pretend.

Giants are humanoid beings standing anywhere between 4 meters and 20 meters high. Some look just like humans, others do not. It seems to be a matter of choice what they look like. They may alter their appearance by the use of magic and illusion
No one really knows where the giants came from, or who made them. Their race split into two, one created smaller beings and declared themselves gods. The others did not, choosing to instead wander the world observing things. The giants speak their own tongue and almost never even bother noticing the small races. The gods will not divulge where they came from either.
Points of Interest
Giants do not seem to understand time, they are known to sit and observe things for so long that they become part of the scenery. They do not sleep, they do not eat, and they rarely display any emotion. This is different to the gods. There are not many giants left, most simply vanished when the gods declared themselves gods. The rest are often hunted by the gods, although no one has ever witnessed the death of a giant.
How to defeat:
You can’t. Giants are basically indestructible. Not event the gods are able to do any real damage to them. Giants rarely cause harm on purpose. They usually avoid any settlements, but if one wanted you harm I don’t think any of the magic or weapons in the works could help you.
Witness Account

In the time of the humans there were only 7 giants left on the Greenlands. The biggest one sat on the highest mountain simply watching the stars, she had done so for longer then even the elves could remember. She was so tall that her legs were often mistaken for mountains. The second two smaller, were brothers. These two lived by the sea, and every five days one would get up and walk into the ocean. After four days he would return and sit with his brother. Another giant lay in a cave watching a specific crystal formation grow. He bothered no one and no one bothered him. The last three giants were smaller then the other ones. One was small because he was so so old as to be bent over like a tree. The other two were his daughters it seemed. They live in the Forrest of Sent. They guard it from harm, if you pass through peacefully nothing will occur but if you start to disturb them or the woods you might find yourself thrown out. From a height of about 15 meters. Not many survive. It is ironically one of the safest places to live on the Greenlands.