Baobhan Sith is Scottish Gaelic and actually means “Fairy Woman”. The word does not have an agreed upon spelling, only an agreed on pronunciation, so has been spelled both Baboan Sith, Baboan Si and Baboan Sidhe. (Pronounced Bavon Shee).
Different Types
The Baobhan Sith are a form of beautiful woman that is secretly a vampire monster, of which there are millions of varieties all across the many cultures. This specific variety is from Scotland. They are associated with the ‘unseelie court’ due to their tendency towards eating humans.
The Baobhan Sidhe are a race of very beautiful looking monsters, who take the form of beautiful young women often wearing green dresses. Their long green dresses hide the fact that their legs and feet are that of deer. They prey on men using their feminine appearance to disarm them and get close; only to then slit open their throats and chests and drink the men’s blood dry. The Baobhan Sidhe have various was of acquiring lone men. Usually, they prey on groups of hunters. They have a particularly powerful attracting magic that makes men follow them: rather like sirens, to their doom. The Baobhan Sidhe can also come when called upon, usually accidentally by a lone man. The man might wish for some female company and suddenly a beautiful woman will just happen to be passing by. This is linked to The Scottish saying that states that wishing at night without invoking god means that the wish will be granted, but in a most horrible manner.

How to protect yourself
Since the Baobhan Sidhe are fairies, of the unseelie court, that means that iron will work as a great deterrent for them. It will not only hurt them, but dull their senses and allow you to escape. The Baobhan Sidhe do not seem to be great fighters in the legends that mention them, so maybe a determined man with a dog and an iron weapon of sorts may survive an attack
Witness Account
There were four men who went hunting and took shelter for the night in a lonely hut. They all decided to warm their bellies with whisky and food and it wasn’t long before they were very merry. One of the men remembered an old song they would sing, and soon the others began dancing .Of course though, one has to admit just three men dancing in a small hut is not very entertaining, and soon the men took to wishing that they had some beautiful young ladies to dance with. The singer laughed at their sighs and declared he would not want his fair wife to be with him in such a dirty hut stinking of whisky. His companions jeered and took to describing their ideal maids as they got drunker. Then suddenly there was a knocking at the door. One of the men opened the door and let in three fair maidens all bundled up against the cold. The maids were very fair and told the men that they were travelling to meet their mother in another town. As they drank and were merry the singer noticed that the maids resembled suspiciously the ideal maids described by his friends. But on he sang and his companions danced and were merry. Suddenly the singer, being the least drunk of all of them, noticed one of the maids had hooves. He excused himself and fled from the hut, taking refuge among the horses and the dogs. The merriment from inside the hut suddenly ceased and silence fell. He heard footsteps and sounds like women’s whispers and saw the three maids now with monstrous appearance make their way around the horses searching for him. He hid further under the horses. Fortunately, the hunting dogs took to barking and baying loud enough to raise the dead, and so the women fled. The man went back inside and found all three of his friends dead and drained of blood.