Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Proin mattis gravida nunc vel placerat. Quisque ac blandit sapien. Curabitur sed fermentum lectus. Nunc non consectetur lorem, et feugiat tellus. Nunc facilisis dolor nec mattis commodo. In laoreet placerat nulla. Maecenas imperdiet nec felis in blandit.
Author: admin
Third Synopsis
Quisque posuere eu risus eu vestibulum. Integer massa libero, pretium nec interdum sit amet, imperdiet at mauris. Curabitur ultrices blandit lacinia. Nulla vestibulum mauris non neque convallis, quis tincidunt arcu ullamcorper. Donec tempus porta finibus. Curabitur tortor eros, cursus ut lectus a, vestibulum fringilla arcu. Nunc et gravida orci. Nunc efficitur massa leo, venenatis luctus… Continue reading Third Synopsis
Second Synopsis
Praesent placerat malesuada bibendum. Donec condimentum pretium dolor vulputate varius. Ut ac nibh congue, mattis nisi ac, sodales arcu. Sed porta est quis quam eleifend, quis tempor dolor interdum. Suspendisse vel ante aliquet, dapibus ex at, hendrerit justo. Sed eu gravida elit, a viverra nunc. Aenean eu mauris tincidunt, ullamcorper libero in, eleifend ante. Curabitur… Continue reading Second Synopsis
First Submission
In non venenatis tellus. Cras rhoncus molestie velit et congue. Mauris hendrerit nisi et massa condimentum sagittis. Aliquam sodales malesuada massa, id tincidunt sem tempus sit amet. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Fusce eu sapien eu quam rutrum viverra nec at velit. Quisque tortor elit, consectetur at sem… Continue reading First Submission
The Banshee
The banshee is a female spirit connected to Irish burial tumuli. Her most common appearance is said to be that of wearing a green dress with an old grey cloak. A banshee is usually seen as an old woman with a haggard grey face. Some sightings insist, however, that their banshee is
The Baobhan Sith
Baobhan Sith is Scottish Gaelic and actually means “Fairy Woman”. The word does not have an agreed upon spelling, only an agreed on pronunciation,
The Werewolf
Werewolves are said to look just like a large wolf. They are, however, said, frequently to
The Pixie
Pixies are of Celtic origin. There seems to be no clear origin for the word, no clear lineage to trace it to, it sort of surfaces all over England and Cornwall, where they were revered to as pigsies . The word is a little similar to the Irish Celtic (Goidelic) word, Aos Si, but this is inconclusive. Most accounts of pixies are
Storyboarding scene 6 Of the Sisters of The Middle Sun
This, my fifth feature, is the first time I have ever storyboarded a feature film all the way through.The Sisters of the Middle Sun is the first feature film (also, to be pre-released as a web series) of these six The Greenland Chronicles, the first of which, I am shooting in London in September this… Continue reading Storyboarding scene 6 Of the Sisters of The Middle Sun