The Giant Folk

Nature gods

Giants are humanoid beings standing anywhere between 4 meters and 20 meters high. Some look just like humans, others do not. It seems to be a matter of choice what they look like. They may alter their appearance by the use of magic and illusion

Library Dungeon

The Master’s Map The Players’ Map Master’s Kit The leading image The text to go with this dungeon This dungeon is set in a Priory of the Moon. The priory is an abandoned place of worship for the followers of the moon. They are known for their collection of magical books and ancient knowledge. The… Continue reading Library Dungeon

Categorised as specimens

The Selkie

Selfie folk are shapeshifters. They live most of their lives as seals, but, from time to time, they come to shore, shrug off their sealskins and dance, or explore, while in the shape of humans. These selkies, when in human form, are said to be

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