Remedies by Rhiwallon of Myddfai

For aches in any of the joints.

Take a small quantity of broom flowers, Lilly flowers, Eryngo leaves, and Red Dock leaves, pound them well and make an ointment of them with butter, then anoint the diseased part therewith, and it will be cured.

For boils.

Take the juice of the nightshade, and of plantain, barley meal, and the white of eggs, make a plaster thereof and apply thereto

Cooling drinks.

The best cooling drinks are apple water, goat’s whey and spring water

For a dry, scurfy condition of the eyelids.

Take the juice of the strawberry, a hen’s fat, and may butter. Pound them well together and keep in a horn (box). When going
to be, anoint (about) thine eye and eyelids well, and they will be cured.

Eczema, or humid tetter.

For a humid teter: honey of ivy, fox marrow and white rosin.

Exfoliation of dead bone from the skull.

Dandelion digested in cold water and drank will promote the exfoliation of the skull in aged men.

For hoarseness.

Take the water avens, and St. John’s wort, boil in pure milk, mixing butter therewith when boiling. Boil a portion thereof briskly every morning and drink.

An Impostume.

Comfrey root, dock root, valerian root, butter, old lard, and sulphur, pounded well together and expressed through a cloth, are useful for an impostume.

Issues and seatons

Viper’s garlic and shepherd’s needle. The juice of the roots will form an issue, that of the leaves, a seaton

The quinsey.

The roots of the corn bell flower will break the quinsey, being digested in cold water, drank and retained in the mouth.

Sterility treatment.

A sterile woman may have a potion prepared for her by means of the fllowing herbs: ivy, St. John’s wort, yew, agrimony,
amphibious persicaria, creeping cinque foil, mountain club moss, orpine and pimpernel, taking an emetic in addition.

For a strangury.

Seek some Mouse Chickweed and Wild Sage, as much of the one as of the other. Then make into a powder, and mix with
drink, cider being best, or else old mead if no cider can be got.

To dissolve urinary stones.

Take the saxifrage and the seed of the gromwell, digesting them in boiling water. Let the patient drink this for six days, and he will be cured without fail

Inflamation of the mamma.

Take the round bitwort and lard, apply therto, and they will cure it.

To induce sleep.

Poppy heads bruised in wine willinduce a man to sleep soundly.


Take some Birch, diget in water and drink.